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v3.58.0 2023-01-25

Inlay Hints for Types and Parameter Names

#4154/#3609/#4156: Inlay hints are now available for types and parameter names. Hints will be shown while holding down Ctrl+Alt (or Ctrl+Option on macOS).

Hovering over an Inlay Hint will show the same hover information as if the hint had been written in the document.

You can change the behaviour with the editor.inlayHints.enabled setting for Dart:

"[dart]": {
	// 'off' - never show
	// 'on' - always show
	// 'offUnlessPressed' - show only while shortcut keys are held down (default)
	// 'onUnlessPressed' - show, but hide while shortcut keys are held down
	"editor.inlayHints.enabled": "offUnlessPressed"

Note: This feature requires Dart 2.19 / Flutter 3.7 or later.

Type Hierarchy

You can change the direction of the type hierarchy using the “Show Subtypes” / “Show Supertypes” button on the hierarchy menu bar.

Note: This feature requires Dart 2.19 / Flutter 3.7 or later.

Call Hierarchy

#612: A Call Hierarchy is now available. It can be accessed from the editor context menu, or using the Calls: Show Call Hierarchy command in the command palette (F1).

You can change the direction of the call hierarchy using the “Show Incoming Calls” / “Show Outgoing Calls” button on the hierarchy menu bar.

Note: This feature requires Dart 2.19 / Flutter 3.7 or later.






Upstream Issues

Some feature requests and fixes require new features and fixes in upstream projects like VS Code and LSP which use counts of 👍s on those issues to help gauge demand. The Dart-Code website now lists some of the most significant upstream issues with a description of the feature/fix they would enable. Please consider reviewing this list and adding your 👍 to any GitHub issues relevant to features you’d like to see!
