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v3.17.1 2020-12-10

v3.17.0 2020-12-04

LSP Improvements

Many enhancements have been made when running with the LSP Preview. Many of these rely on changes in the Dart language server so may not be immediately available depending on the Dart/Flutter channel you are using. At the time of writing, they have not yet reached the Flutter stable channel.

[LSP] Apply-all Fixes

#2926: Some quick-fixes are now able to be fixed for the entire file in one go.

[LSP] Complete Function Calls

#2823: A new setting dart.completeFunctionCalls will cause code completion on functions/methods to include parentheses and argument placeholders for required arguments.

[LSP] Format Selection

#812/#2790: It’s now possible to format only a selection of code (or also only lines modified according to source control).

[LSP] pubspec.yaml and analysis_options.yaml Code Completion

#114/#2110: Basic code completion is now available for pubspec.yaml and analysis_options.yaml files. This includes static identifiers and also lint names. It does not include Pub package names.








Upstream Issues

Some feature requests and fixes require new features and fixes in upstream projects like VS Code and LSP which use counts of 👍s on those issues to help gauge demand. The Dart-Code website now lists some of the most significant upstream issues with a description of the feature/fix they would enable. Please consider reviewing this list and adding your 👍 to any GitHub issues relevant to features you’d like to see!
