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There are a number of settings for the Dart and Flutter extensions that can be modified in VS Code’s User Settings or Workspace Settings.

The settings described here are documented by their JSON keys, though most of them can also be edited in the settings UI in VS Code by clicking the Dart & Flutter section under Extensions.

Window Scoped Settings

Window scoped settings must be applied in your User Settings or at the workspace level and will apply for all projects open in a window (for example, dart.sdkPath is used to launch an analyzer that is used for the whole window).


Default: true.
Whether to add your selected Dart/Flutter SDK path to the PATH environment variable for the embedded terminal. This is useful when switching SDKs via dart.sdkPaths / dart.flutterSdkPaths to ensure commands run from the terminal are the same version as being used by the editor/debugger (requires restart).


Additional file extensions that should be analyzed (usually used in combination with analyzer plugins).


Default: false.
Whether to consider files ending _test.dart that are outside of the test directory as tests. This should be enabled if you put tests inside the lib directory of your Flutter app so they will be run with flutter test and not flutter run.


Default: true.
Whether to use folding data from the Dart Analysis Server instead of the built-in VS Code indent-based folding.


Default: true.
Whether to enable analysis for AngularDart templates (requires the Angular analyzer plugin to be enabled in analysis_options.yaml).


Additional arguments to pass to the Dart Analysis Server. This setting is can be useful for troubleshooting issues with the Dart Analysis Server.


An SSH host to run the Analysis Server. This can be useful when modifying code on a remote machine using SSHFS.


Additional arguments to pass to the VM running the Dart Analysis Server. This setting is can be useful for troubleshooting issues with the Dart Analysis Server.


The port number to be used for the Dart Analysis Server VM service. This setting is intended for use by Dart Analysis Server developers.


Default: true.
Whether to include symbols that have not been imported in the code completion list and automatically insert the required import when selecting them (requires restart).


Options: "none", "tripleSlash" or "all".
Default: "tripleSlash".
Determines when to insert comment slashes when pressing <enter> in the editor (requires restart).

When using tripleSlash, double-slashes will still be included when breaking existing double-slash comments across additional lines.


Additional args to pass to the build_runner when building/watching/serving.


Default: true.
Whether to check you are using the latest version of the Dart SDK at startup.


Options: "debugConsole", "terminal" or "externalTerminal".
Default: "debugConsole".
Whether to run Dart CLI apps in the Debug Console or a terminal. The Debug Console has more functionality because the process is controlled by the debug adapter, but is unable to accept input from the user via stdin.


Default: true.
Whether to show annotations against constructor, method invocations and lists that span multiple lines.


Options: "sse" or "ws".
Default: "ws".
The protocol to use for the Dart Debug Extension backend service and injected client. Using WebSockets can improve performance but may fail when connecting through some proxy servers.


Default: false.
Whether to mark external pub package libraries (including package:flutter) as debuggable, enabling stepping into them while debugging.


Default: false.
Whether to mark Dart SDK libraries (dart:*) as debuggable, enabling stepping into them while debugging.


Options: "chrome" or "default".
Default: "chrome".
Whether to launch external DevTools windows using Chrome or the system default browser.


Options: "beside", "active" or "external".
Default: "beside".
Which editor/column to open Dart DevTools in.


The port number to be used for the Dart DevTools (requires restart).


Default: true.
Whether to try to reuse existing DevTools windows instead of launching new ones. Only works for instances of DevTools launched by the DevTools server on the local machine.


Options: "dark" or "light".
Default: "dark".
The theme to use for Dart DevTools.


Options: "full", "summary" or "none".
Default: "full".
What level of documentation to show in Hovers and Code Completion details. This setting is only supported for Dart SDKs after v2.18.


Default: true.
Whether to enable the dart_style formatter for Dart code.


Default: true.
Whether to use code snippets from the Dart Analysis Server instead of those included in the extension. Server snippets are context and language-version aware and should be preferred.


Default: true.
Whether to include Dart and Flutter snippets in code completion.


Default: {}.
Additional environment variables to be added to all Dart/Flutter processes spawned by the Dart and Flutter extensions.


Default: true.
Whether to call toString() on objects when rendering them in debug views (such as the Variables, Watch and Hovers views). Only applies to views of 100 or fewer values for performance reasons.


Default: false.
Whether to enable experimental (possibly unfinished or unstable) refactors on the lightbulb menu. This setting is intended for use by Dart Analysis Server developers or users that want to try out and provide feedback on in-progress refactors.


Default: false.
Whether to automatically run adb connect when spawning the Flutter daemon when running on Chrome OS.


Options: "java" or "kotlin".
Default: "kotlin".
The programming language to use for Android apps when creating new projects using the Flutter: New Project command.


Options: "objc" or "swift".
Default: "swift".
The programming language to use for iOS apps when creating new projects using the Flutter: New Project command.


The organization responsible for your new Flutter project, in reverse domain name notation (e.g. com.google). This string is used in Java package names and as prefix in the iOS bundle identifier when creating new projects using the Flutter: New Project command.


The platforms to enable for new projects created using the Flutter: New Project command. If unset, all platforms will be enabled.


Custom emulators to show in the emulator list for easier launching. If IDs match existing emulators returned by Flutter, the custom emulators will override them.


Options: "never", "manual", "manualIfDirty", "all" or "allIfDirty".
Default: "never".
Whether to automatically run the Generate Localizations command for Flutter apps when saving .arb files.


Default: true.
Whether to show Flutter icons and colors in the editor gutter.


Options: "never", "manual", "manualIfDirty", "all" or "allIfDirty".
Default: "manual".
Whether to automatically send a Hot Reload request to Flutter apps during a debug session when saving files. Dart apps are controlled by the hotReloadOnSave setting.


Default: true.
Whether to show the Flutter Outline tree in the sidebar.


Default: true.
Whether to remember which device was last (explicitly) selected for each project. When the remembered device is selected, it will prevent newly-connected mobile devices from being automatically selected (regardless of the dart.flutterSelectDeviceWhenConnected setting).


Default: true.
Whether to set newly connected devices as the current device in Flutter projects.


Options: "local", "always" or "never".
Default: "local".
When to show the Flutter emulators. These are usually hidden for remote workspaces because it is usually not possible to see or interact with emulators in a remote session. If you are using remoting/containers in a way that you can interact with launched emulator processes, you may wish to set this to ‘always’.


Options: "remote" or "always".
Default: "remote".
When to show the Flutter headless web-server device. This requires using the Dart Debug extension for Chrome and is usually only used for remote environments where Chrome is not available such as browser/cloud-based IDEs (requires restart).


Options: "auto", "html" or "canvaskit".
Default: "auto".
Sets the Web renderer used for Flutter web apps.


Options: "never", "manual", "manualIfDirty", "all" or "allIfDirty".
Default: "never".
Whether to automatically send a Hot Reload request to Dart apps during a debug session when saving files. Flutter apps are controlled by the flutterHotReloadOnSave setting.


Options: "notification" or "statusBar".
Default: "notification".
Determines how to display Hot Restart and Hot Reload progress.


Default: true.
Whether to include symbols from the SDK and package dependencies in the “Go to Symbol in Workspace” (cmd/ctrl+T) list. This can only be disabled when using Dart 3.0 / Flutter 3.10 or later.


Default: true.
Whether to enable Snippet support in LSP TextEdits.


Default: 100000.
The maximum number of completion items to return from a code completion request. Updated results will be fetched as additional characters are typed. Lower numbers may improved performance. Only affects LSP for > Dart SDK 2.17.


Default: 2000.
The maximum length of a line in the log file. Lines longer than this will be truncated and suffixed with an ellipsis.


Default: false.
Whether to normalize file casings before sending them to the LSP server. This may fix issues with file_names lints not disappearing after renaming a file if the VS Code API continues to use the original casing.


Default: true.
Whether to show a notification the first few times an Analysis Server exception occurs.


Default: false.
Whether to use the –offline switch for commands like pub get and Flutter: New Project.


Default: false.
Whether to ignore workspace folders and perform analysis based on the open files, as if no workspace was open at all. This allows opening large folders without causing them to be completely analyzed.


Options: "never", "flutter" or "always".
Default: "never".
Whether to automatically open DevTools at the start of a debug session. If embedded DevTools is enabled, this will launch the Widget Inspector embedded for Flutter projects, or launch DevTools externally in a browser for Dart projects.


Default: [testRunStart].
When to automatically switch focus to the test list (array to support multiple values).


Default: false.
EXPERIMENTAL: Whether to enable commit characters for the LSP server. In a future release, the dart.enableCompletionCommitCharacters setting will also apply to LSP.


Default: false.
EXPERIMENTAL: Whether to enable the Flutter UI Guides preview.


Default: false.
EXPERIMENTAL: Whether to enable custom tracking of Flutter UI guidelines (to hide some latency of waiting for the next Flutter Outline).


Default: false.
Whether to perform hot reload on save based on a filesystem watcher for Dart files rather than using VS Code’s onDidSave event. This allows reloads to trigger when external tools modify Dart source files.


PREVIEW: Whether to use the new debug adapters shipped in the Dart and Flutter SDKs. This setting will only apply if your SDK is new enough to include an appropriate version of the DAP server. Setting the value to true will opt-in to the new DAPs. Setting to false will opt-out. Leaving as null will allow the extension to decide when to enable the SDK DAPs as part of a progressive rollout.


Default: 5.
How many levels (including the workspace roots) down the workspace to search for Dart/Flutter projects. Increasing this number may help detect Flutter projects that are deeply nested in your workspace but slow down all operations that search for projects, including extension activation.


Default: true.
Whether to prompt before running if there are errors in your project. Test scripts will be excluded from the check unless they’re the script being run.


Options: "never", "prompt" or "always".
Default: "never".
Whether to rename files when renaming classes with matching names (for example renaming ‘class Person’ inside ‘person.dart’). If set to ‘prompt’, will ask each time before renaming. If set to ‘always’, the file will automatically be renamed. This setting requires using LSP and a Dart SDK of at least v2.15.


Options: "none", "both", "above" or "below".
Default: "none".
Whether to automatically run pub get on nested projects above or below the one where the pubspec was changed.


Default: true.
Whether to eagerly run DevTools for Flutter workspaces and share the spawned server with flutter run.


Default: true.
Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for opening online DartPad samples.


Default: false.
Whether to show integers formatted as Hex in Variables, Watch, Debug Consoles.


Default: true.
Whether to show DevTools buttons in the floating Debug toolbar.


Default: true.
Whether to show notifications for widget errors that offer Inspect Widget links. This requires that the dart.shareDevToolsWithFlutter setting is also enabled.


Default: true.
Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running / debugging scripts with main functions.


Default: true.
Whether to show skipped tests in the test tree.


Default: true.
Whether to show CodeLens actions in the editor for quick running / debugging tests.


Default: true.
Whether to show TODOs in the Problems list. Can be a boolean to enable all TODO comments (TODO, FIXME, HACK, UNDONE) or an array of which types to enable. Older Dart SDKs may not support some TODO kinds.


Options: "name" or "line".
Default: "name".
How to identify tests when running/debugging. name is compatible with older versions of package:test but cannot handle some complex/dynamic test names. line will prefer to run tests by their line numbers (when available) and fall back to name only if the line number is unavailable.


Default: true.
Whether to update DevTools if you are not using the latest version. This only applies to SDKs prior to Dart v2.15, since DevTools is included in the SDK since v2.15.


Default: true.
Whether to automatically update imports when moving or renaming files. Currently only supports single file moves / renames.


Default: false.
Whether to use the Dart Analyzer’s original protocol instead of LSP. Some features are not supported when using the legacy protocol and support for it will eventually be removed. Please file issues on GitHub in the Dart Code repo if you find yourself needing to enable this setting.


Default: true.
Whether to show a warning when modifying files in the system package cache directory.


Default: true.
Whether to show a warning when modifying files outside of the workspace.

Resource Scoped Settings

Resource scoped settings can be set in individual workspace folder settings and apply to resources within that workspace folder (for example each workspace folder could have its own dart.lineLength).


An array of paths to be excluded from Dart analysis. This option should usually be set at the Workspace level. Excluded folders will also be ignored when detecting project types.


The path to a custom Dart Analysis Server. This setting is intended for use by Dart Analysis Server developers.


Additional args to pass to the dart command when running CLI scripts. Using the args/toolArgs fields in launch.json is usually better than this setting as this setting will apply to all projects.


Default: true.
Whether to insert parentheses and placeholders for positional and required arguments during code completions when using LSP. This feature is automatically disabled if commit characters are enabled.


The path to a custom Dart Debug Adapter. This setting is intended for use by Dart Debug Adapter developers.


Custom settings for launching DevTools. This setting is intended for use by Dart DevTools developers.


The path to a custom Flutter Debug Adapter. This setting is intended for use by Dart Debug Adapter developers.


EXPERIMENTAL: The port where flutter daemon can be accessed if daemon is run remotely. This setting is intended for use by Google developers.


An array of glob patterns that should be excluded for formatting. The pattern is matched against the absolute path of the file. Use [ "**/test/**" ] to skip formatting for all test directories.


Default: false.
Whether to automatically commit the selected completion item when pressing certain keys such as . , ( and [. This setting does not currently apply to LSP, see dart.previewCommitCharacters.


Default: true.
Whether to evaluate getters in order to display them in debug views (such as the Variables, Watch and Hovers views).


Additional args to pass to all flutter commands including flutter daemon. Do not use this to pass arguments to your Flutter app, use the args field in a launch.json or the dart.flutterRunAdditionalArgs setting.


Additional args to pass to the flutter attach command. Using the args/toolArgs fields in launch.json is usually better than this setting as this setting will apply to all projects.


Additional args to pass to the flutter run command. Using the args/toolArgs fields in launch.json is usually better than this setting as this setting will apply to all projects.


The path to a directory to save Flutter screenshots.


The location of the Flutter SDK to use. If blank (or not a valid SDK), Dart Code will attempt to find it from the project directory, FLUTTER_ROOT environment variable and the PATH environment variable.


An array of paths that either directly point to a Flutter SDK or the parent directory of multiple Flutter SDKs that can be used for fast SDK switching. These paths are not used directly when searching for an SDK. When this setting is populated, the version number in the status bar can be used to quickly switch between SDKs.


Additional args to pass to the flutter test command. Using the args/toolArgs fields in launch.json is usually better than this setting as this setting will apply to all projects.


Default: true.
Whether to pass --track-widget-creation to Flutter apps (required to support ‘Inspect Widget’). This setting is always ignored when running in Profile or Release mode.


Default: true.
Whether to insert argument placeholders during code completions. This feature is automatically disabled when enableCompletionCommitCharacters is enabled.


Default: 80.
The maximum length of a line of code. This is used by the document formatter. If you change this value, you may wish to update editor.rulers (which draws vertical lines in the editor) in the ["dart"] section if your settings to match.


Default: true.
Whether to prompt to get/upgrade packages when opening a project with missing/out of date packages.


Additional args to pass to all pub commands.


Options: "always", "prompt" or "never".
Default: "always".
Whether to run pub get whenever pubspec.yaml is saved.


The location of the Dart SDK to use for analyzing and executing code. If blank (or not a valid SDK), Dart Code will attempt to find it from the PATH environment variable. When editing a Flutter project, the version of Dart included in the Flutter SDK is used in preference.


An array of paths that either directly point to a Dart SDK or the parent directory of multiple Dart SDKs that can be used for fast SDK switching. These paths are not used directly when searching for an SDK. When this setting is populated, the SDK version number in the status bar can be used to quickly switch between SDKs.


Default: true.
Whether to show logs from the dart:developer log() function in the debug console.


Options: "never", "debug" or "always".
Default: "never".
Whether to suppress test timeouts when running/debugging tests. To work properly this requires package:test version 1.20.1 or newer. For older versions, the default timeout will be increased to 1d but this will not affect tests that have explicit (non-factor) timeouts set with @timeout.


Additional args to pass to the dart test command. Using the args/toolArgs fields in launch.json is usually better than this setting as this setting will apply to all projects.


Arguments to be passed to the Dart VM when running Dart CLI scripts.

These arguments appear between “dart” and “run”:

dart (vmAdditionalArgs) run (toolArgs) bin/main.dart (args)

Custom Color Settings

Some colors in Dart Code can be customized using the workbench.colorCustomizations section in settings. Supported colors are:


The color of the ‘closing label’ annotations shown against constructor, method invocations and lists that span multiple lines. If not supplied, the color for tab.inactiveForeground will be used.


The color of the Flutter UI Guidelines shown in the editor.

Diagnostic Settings

There are several settings for enabling logging of various services used by Dart Code. For more information about setting these up and troubleshooting please see Enabling Logging.


The port number to be used for the Dart analyzer diagnostic server. This setting is can be useful for troubleshooting issues with the Dart Analysis Server.


The path to a log file for very detailed logging in the Dart Analysis Server that may be useful when trying to diagnose Analysis Server issues. For more information on capturing these logs, see Analyzer Instrumentation Logging.


The path to a log file for communication between Dart Code and the Analysis Server. For more information on capturing these logs, see Analyzer Logging.


The path to a log file for communication with the DAP debug adapters. This is useful when trying to diagnose issues with debugging such as missed breakpoints.


The path to a log file for Dart test runs. This is useful when trying to diagnose issues with unit test executions. Use ${name} in the log file name to prevent concurrent debug sessions overwriting each others logs.


The path to a low-traffic log file for the Dart DevTools service.


The path to a low-traffic log file for basic extension and editor issues. For more information on capturing these logs, see Extension Logging.


The path to a log file for the flutter daemon service, which provides information about connected devices to show in the status bar. For more information on capturing these logs, see Flutter Daemon Logging.


The path to a log file for flutter run, which is used to launch Flutter apps from VS Code. This is useful when trying to diagnose issues with apps launching (or failing to) on simulators and devices. Use ${name} in the log file name to prevent concurrent debug sessions overwriting each others logs. For more information on capturing these logs, see Flutter Run Logging.


The path to a log file for flutter test, which is used to run unit tests from VS Code. This is useful when trying to diagnose issues with unit test executions. Use ${name} in the log file name to prevent concurrent debug sessions overwriting each others logs. For more information on capturing these logs, see Flutter Test Logging.


The path to a log file for communication between Dart Code and the VM service. This is useful when trying to diagnose issues with debugging such as missed breakpoints. Use ${name} in the log file name to prevent concurrent debug sessions overwriting each others logs.


The path to a log file for communication between Dart Code and the webdev daemon. This is useful when trying to diagnose issues with launching web apps. Use ${name} in the log file name to prevent concurrent debug sessions overwriting each others logs.